I am new to the blogosphere so I'm not sure how well this is going to work. But I have been told that this is the way to keep inquiring minds informed of my progress as I hike the Appalachian Trail. We will see. My plan is to send daily updates to Alison just so she knows I am alive and where I am. Then I will send weekly updates with more detail about the experience that will be in the form of posts to this blog. I hope my posts are sufficiently interesting for people to want to actually read them. But don't expect too much. I have a feeling it's going to be a lot of unedited stream of consciousness prattling after a week walking in the woods. Or maybe it'll just be a report of miles walked, animals encountered, and weather conditions. As I said, we will see.
Trail Name
The idea of a trail name is to essentially become a different person living in the grungy subculture of the Appalachian Trail. It's sort of like a superhero persona without the superhero part. Legend was that trail names are to be bestowed on hikers by others on the trail. But over the last few decades, that has changed and now many people choose their own trail name. Largely because too many people think they are clever namers and as a consequence some good, decent people end up with trail names like Monkey Butt or Stink Foot or, even worse, Butterfly. So I am asking anyone who finds their way to this blog to help me pick a trail name. I am more than open to other suggestions but here are some names that I thought of any of which I could be happy living with for five or six months in the woods. Please let me know what you think. Nomad Refugee Wastrel Fogey (not necessarily old) Sole Man Gu-Ru (referring to Gu energy gels) Just please don't suggest anything like Buttefl...
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