Trail Name

The idea of a trail name is to essentially become a different person living in the grungy subculture of the Appalachian Trail. It's sort of like a superhero persona without the superhero part. Legend was that trail names are to be bestowed on hikers by others on the trail. But over the last few decades, that has changed and now many people choose their own trail name. Largely because too many people think they are clever namers and as a consequence some good, decent people end up with trail names like Monkey Butt or Stink Foot or, even worse, Butterfly.

So I am asking anyone who finds their way to this blog to help me pick a trail name. I am more than open to other suggestions but here are some names that I thought of any of which I could be happy living with for five or six months in the woods. Please let me know what you think. 

Fogey (not necessarily old)
Sole Man
Gu-Ru (referring to Gu energy gels)

Just please don't suggest anything like Buttefly.

Thanks for any input!


  1. I like Fogey. Kinda Catchy name.

    1. I like Fogey, too. It just sounds like a fun guy.

  2. I like 'Topper' - It uses the letters in your last name and you will be climbing to the tops of the mountain!

    1. I like it. Did you know there is a movie called Topper starring Cary Grant? Makes the name even more appropriate, don't you think? Of course, Grant wasn't Topper. He played a debonair ghost who "haunted" a stick in the mud old grump named Topper. There was also a Topper TV show based on the movie that aired the year I was born. I don't remember it.

  3. suggest the name:
    Trail Rat

    1. Hmmm, maybe TR. But Trail Rat sounds a bit too vermin-like to me. Nice try, though!

    2. Kath like Sunshine Walker (remembering a certain vw)... I think Sunshine Superman

    3. Flashback! Too bad "Orange" has become a derogatory term lately or Orange Sunshine (or just OS) would be worthy of consideration. Since I started running, LSD means Long, Slow, Day - maybe there's something there since I expect to have about 160 of them on the trail.

  4. How about a play off your name, Pointman, Point Guy, Point Dude, or Paul Point Pen. Sorry, that one just popped into my head.

    1. Maybe Beside the Point. Or just Pointer. I'll have to think about that. Thanks!

  5. Pointificator playing on your last name and storytelling ability? Maybe the great pointificator

    1. I don't know. Sounds terribly academic to me even with the modified spelling. Like I should wear Hogwarts robes and speak with a patrician accent about the great wisdom of trees and rocks. I'd hate to raise expectations of insightful commentary every time I introduce myself to another hiker. And definitely not "great" as a modifier! That's a heavy pack to carry. But thanks for the last minute suggestion!


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