Final Post
If you have been following my blog for the last three months, thank you for being part of my journey. I am honored that you found this stuff interesting enough to read. Sharing some of my thoughts and experiences from the trail through this blog has helped me clarify my own understanding and create a personal narrative of what I consider to be the coolest thing I have ever done. Some closing thoughts after nearly at week home... I am in awe of anyone who though-hikes the entire trail in one year. It takes a far greater level of commitment (or maybe it's plain mulishness) than I possess to spend day after day and month after month walking through the woods with a pack on your back. It's not the hills or rocks or trail food or lack of creature comfort that makes it so hard to finish. Those, in fact, are a large part of the attraction. Rather, it is the price you have to pay in forfeited opportunities that can erode the commitment. Taking five-million steps on one path require...