This week finally feels like spring. The day after a hard rain in Maryland I walked through carpets of wildflowers and saw my first redbud tree in full bloom as I descended into Harper's Ferry, West Virginia. Here in Front Royal, VA, at the northern end of the Shenandoah National Park I took a zero day with Alison and hiking friends Jan, Jim and Chuck and enjoyed a warm summer-like day doing laundry, restocking food, and making some modifications to my gear. Chuck is joinimg me to backpack the 100 miles of the park and the others are doing day hikes with us for a couple of days before heading back to warm dry homes. My thoughts this week as I passed the 400 miles mark drifted into various plot lines and scenarios for possible stories inspired by the weather and the woods - story lines that maybe I'll develop into short stories in the months after I finish this hike. I passed the time walking alone in the woods letting ideas like this bubble in my head.... A thousand centu...